This guy had an eye for landscapes.
Will Design For Work
Today I revised an illustration from a previous post to make this self-promotional piece. Contact me for projects in design, illustration, and more!
Ancient Secrets
This doodle reminds me a little of Egyptian hieroglyphics. Ancient cultures really fascinate me, so there's probably some inspiration living in my brain somewhere. Also, I never can decide if I should color these things or not. Maybe I'll experiment with a color version of this on.
Three Lines Equal Triangle
A triangle doodle today. So not square.
This Camera Won't Steal Your Soul
This illustration is an update of a post from the previous incarnation of this blog. I have a stockpile of things I really like from my old website that I plan to post up here now and then.
Swirls and Color
Doodling is one of my favorite things to do. Not only is it helpful for shaking the dust off the creative brain, but sometimes you discover something cool you weren't expecting.
What's With The Blank Stare?
Today I finished off my most recent sketchbook with a self-portrait. The eyes are a bit off and the whole thing turned out more serious than the photo I referenced, but I still like it.
He Likes You
This guy is a bit of a pinhead, but he's a nice pinhead.
Abstract #1
The first in a series. One line, many turns.
The Ghouls are Approaching
A little half-tone pattern, a bit of paper texture, and some vibrant colors helped bring this ghoulishly sketchy illustration to life.
A Fine Southern Gentleman Dances a Gig
Today I signed up for a couple free months on I've already bookmarked a number of tutorials I'm interested in, and I kicked off the fun with one on turning a hand drawn character into a vector illustration. Here's a character I created while incorporating some of the tips I learned in the tutorial.
A Bundle of Tulips
I drew this bundle of tulips to give to my sister as a gift for her birthday.
I Got My Eye On You
Fooling around with the new drawing tablet and came up with this dude. He seems nice enough...
Hidden Forces Box Art
Check it out, I designed a mock-up of the box art for the card game my friend and I created. While we're in the play-testing phase I have also been preparing some assets for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign. I'm excited to see it coming along.
In Space
Another colored pencil illustration. I think it might be cool make a space shooter video game with hand-drawn illustrations, so I thought I'd experiment with drawing a few spaceships. Once I get a few more down, I think I'll make a sample animation of what a game in this style might look like. Stay tuned.
Buggin' Out
I downloaded a cool app/game on the old iPhone called Jazza's Arty Games. Basically, it gives you a variety of suggestions to inspire your artistic creativity. There are a number of different categories that the suggestions come in. This particular illustration was inspired by a suggestion of three specific colored pencils to use create a drawing.
This weekend, I bought some cheap Crayola markers and colored pencils to add to my creative toolbox. I've been leaning more toward digital techniques as of late, and I've been wanting to experiment with different mediums and do a bit more work by hand. While exploring, I figured I'd stick with bargain level supplies, so I bought fifty different colored markers and fifty different colored pencils for under $10. I've already enjoyed working on a few trial projects and will be posting some stuff up here, starting with this marker sketch of a fox:
Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun, Fun!!!
Lately, I've been doing what I can to attract more fun into my life whenever possible. That doesn’t mean shunning responsibilities, but instead working to make more of my responsibilities into generators of fun, positive feelings. I still have a way to go, but I believe it is a noble pursuit.
Today's illustration is inspired by my effort to create more rewarding and fun times every day.
Manny Enjoys the View
Meet Manny. I just did today by randomly drawing him. I've been having a lot of fun playing around with illustrator and fooling around with different ways of creating characters. This one started with a quick pencil doodle and ended with a lot of messing around.
Another new Illustrator created character. I'm digging this little dude.